Order 2, 3, 4, or 5 Pints for Local Baltimore Delivery!

from $28.00

Order 2, 3, 4, or 5 Pints of Baltimore in a Box Ice Cream to be hand delivered in Baltimore!

Delivering to: 21211, 21210, 21224, 21231, 21230, 21234, 21237, 21286, 21214, 21218, 21206, 21239, 21212, 21202, 21201, 21117, 21208, 21209

2 Pints: $28 (Includes Delivery)

3 Pints: $37 (Includes Delivery)

4 Pints: $46 (Includes Delivery)

5 Pints: $45 (Includes Delivery)

Upon clicking PURCHASE you will be able to select your flavors and choose a date and time for delivery (SOMEBODY MUST BE HOME TO RECEIVE THE DELIVERY):

Available Flavors:

Downey Ocean - Caramel Fisher's Popcorn

Summer in Charm City - Egg Custard & Marshmallow

LaMarshmallow Chip - Smores with Otterbein's Chocolate Chip Cookies

Cal's Streak - Orange Creamsicle with Chocolate Chips

I'm So Crabby - UTZ Crab Chip Vanilla

Otterly Divine - Birthday Cake with Otterbein’s Sugar Cookies

Bawlmer Cookies & Cream - Berger Cookies & Cream

Salty Balty - Salted Goetze’s Caramels with Berger Cookies

Ode to Joe - Zeke’s Coffee Oreo

Poe-conut - Coconut with Otterbein’s Lemon Sugar Cookies

Geresbeck’s East Bmore Eclair - Vanilla base with Geresbeck's Chocolate Eclairs

Mr. Trash Wheel's Junk Food - Cookies & Cream with Cookie Dough, Pretzels, & Marshmallows

The Block is Hot! - Vanilla with Chocolate Chips & Old Bay Hot Sauce

How Many Pints: